How to invert your site logo - Squarespace 7.1

There might be an occasion where you want to add a different site logo to an individual page. Well, here’s the code that can make it work.

General Instructions:

  • Go to the specific page in question

    • Settings (This is the cog icon)

      • Advanced

Then paste in the below into the “Code Injection”

Video Tutorial

Instructions for Blog Posts

If you want to add this to a blog post, add this to

  • Blog

    • Advanced

      • Post Blog Item Code Injection

Instructions for Shop Products

  • Shop

    • Advanced

      • Page Header Code Injection

 .header-title-logo img {
    -webkit-filter: invert(90%);
    filter: invert(90%);

How to invert your site logo on Shopping Cart Checkout - Squarespace 7.1


How to add a different site logo to a specific page - Squarespace 7.1