How to change the ‘File Upload’ text in forms - Squarespace 7.1

The ability to upload a file has been added as a feature to the Squarespace forms. The only issue is at the moment, there is no way to be able to change the text, style or colour of the “Remove” button.

Change the “Add a File” text

Add the following to Custom CSS to change and override the default text

.file-upload {
  .b1mA4JKsv8tPUjEK4AlQ {
    span {
    content:'Attach your CV';

Edit the “Remove” text (shown after file has been uploaded)

If like us, you are using dark colours on your site, you can add the below code which will change the colour of the “Remove” text to white, therefore becoming more visable to the user.

Add the following code to Custom CSS to be able to change the style or colour of the “Remove” button,

[data-testid="fileDisplay-remove-button"] {
    color: #ffffff;
Dave Hawkins

As a top tier Squarespace Expert and founder of Made by Dave, I bring over 8 years of Squarespace experience and 200+ bespoke website launches. Our process combines consultancy, design, project management and development for a collaborative and efficient experience with clients like you. Whether you need a new website or updates for your existing site, we'll help you get up and running.

How to add custom social icons - Squarespace 7.1


How to add a custom background colour to one section only - Squarespace 7.1