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How to change ‘Read more’ link within a Summary Block - Squarespace 7.1

If you want to use the Summary Block for a different purpose, you can override the link using the following code.

Change on ALL pages?

Add the following code to Website Tools > Code Injection > Footer

Change the Summary Block on INDIVIDUAL pages?

Add the following code to Page > Advanced > Code Injection


See this content in the original post
YY18Two-digit year
YYYY2018Four-digit year
M1-12The month, beginning at 1
MM01-12The month, 2-digits
MMMJan-DecThe abbreviated month name
MMMMJanuary-DecemberThe full month name
D1-31The day of the month
DD01-31The day of the month, 2-digits
d0-6The day of the week, with Sunday as 0
ddSu-SaThe min name of the day of the week
dddSun-SatThe short name of the day of the week
ddddSunday-SaturdayThe name of the day of the week
H0-23The hour
HH00-23The hour, 2-digits
h1-12The hour, 12-hour clock
hh01-12The hour, 12-hour clock, 2-digits
m0-59The minute
mm00-59The minute, 2-digits
s0-59The second
ss00-59The second, 2-digits
SSS000-999The millisecond, 3-digits
Z=+05:00The offset from UTC, ±HH:mm
ZZ500The offset from UTC, ±HHmm
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